Love Letter

My dearest love,

I have watched you from your birth. From the moment you emerged from your mother, I have known you and loved you.

And before then.

I waited for your father to journey across the sea.  For your parents to make their catastrophic and fruitful union.

I knew you and loved you before you existed. Before time existed I claimed you as my own.  You are mine.

You are a star among vast galaxies, a grain of sand, a blade of grass, yet I see your singularity.  You are not a meaningless replica.  You are you.  You are as I made you and I make you perfect.

You think you are a song without sound, expressionless expression.  But I see you, you matter to me.

I knew you and loved you before you were born and when your mortal life has passed I will still love you.  When your name is forgotten on the Earth, in one generation, or three, or ten, I will remember you.  I am eternal, and so you are too.


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